Strong squad

every section of life is like a tough game,
where the winner get the prize and fame,
and the conquered bow their heads in shame.
We all have a particular target we aim,
but only the strong and brave will claim
the golden trophy they picture in the frame.
And they set for themselves a lovely name,
a name everyone loves, chants and proclaim,
cos’ they passed through storms and overcame.
The race to the heavenly home is the same,
Where satan does nothing more than to tame
our spirits and causes us to become lame,
and he goes behind to the FATHER to de fame
every backsliding believer that will shift blame,
so they end up with him in the burning flame.
The reason the saviour of the world came
was to give every soul a chance to reclaim
their positions in God’s family and bear HIS surname,
we all desire to be victorious, so let’s exclaim
God’s lordship so the angels will joyfully acclaim

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